Thursday, September 2, 2010




This ancient and non-invasive healing method has been practiced for centuries to prevent illness.  Based on traditional Chinese acupuncture meridians, acupressure is also called pressure point meridian therapy.


Shiatsu helps to keep the body in peak condition, relieves tension and promotes vitality.  It prompts the body's internal system to flow, helping the body to heal itself.

Shiatsu can work in conjunction with most health regimens prescribed by doctors and other health practitioners.


Shakti has been a practitioner of the healing arts for more than a decade at her private practice. She has worked with individuals with chronic conditions such as cancer, kidney disease, arthritis and other acute health conditions. Shakti graduated from the Ohashi Institute as a certified shiatsu practitioner.


CONTACT:      SHAKTI  (917) 584-7611



Sliding scale payment options available


Shiatsu for Infants and Children

This ancient and non-invasive healing method has been practiced for centuries to prevent illness.  Based on traditional Chinese acupuncture meridians, acupressure is also called pressure point meridian therapy.


Shiatsu for infants is a healing method specially designed to meet infant's and children's needs.


In the first year of life the muscles, bones and organs grow at a very fast rate.  As a result, infants and babies can experience a variety of growth pain and discomfort.  Shiatsu can help infants and children by supporting the body during these changes.  It is also a beautiful way for infants and children to connect with their parents and caregivers.


Shakti has been a practitioner of the healing arts for more than a decade at her private practice. She graduated from the Ohashi Institute as a certified shiatsu practitioner. When she became a mother, she researched infant body work and integrated different modalities into her own healing practice to formulate distinctive, nurturing and effective Shiatsu regimes for children.


CONTACT:      SHAKTI  (917) 584-7611



 Sliding scale payment options available


1 comment:

  1. Remember the movie Avatar?

    Where all those blue people were connected by an

    They were able to communicate with plants and

    Well, that is not just a fantasy.

    It turns out that kind of “energy” is real.

    Deepak Chopra wrote about a study, where scientists
    saw monkeys dipping potatoes in saltwater before
    eating it.

    Then they saw the rest of the tribe doing it.

    Pretty logical so far right?

    But get this: Monkeys in different parts of the WORLD
    started dipping potatoes in salt water.

    There was no way they could have communicated
    with each other.

    The only explanation was that they communicated
    through an invisible, “intelligent energy.”

    The Japanese call this energy “Ki”.

    It stands for “Life Force”

    In fact, a man named Mikao Usui developed a
    SYSTEM of healing called Reiki.

    And this system of healing uses this intelligent energy
    to heal people.

    It is one of the most ancient, profound and
    POWERFUL healing arts in the world.

    Reiki masters can HEAL just by touching someone
    with their hands.

    They can also heal people REMOTELY using their

    It’s amazing.

    It USED to take YEARS and THOUSANDS of dollars
    to become a Reiki master.

    But this guy named Owen Coleman discovered how
    to attain these healing powers rapidly.

    Even in as little as 48 hours.

    According to him he already had this power, but
    don’t realize it. And that’s we don’t have to spend too
    much time learning it.

    We just need to recognize it and release it.

    [Check out his presentation on Reiki here.]

    Alright, till next time.

    Yours Truly,
    Chandalie Perera

    P.S. - Owen is offering a special training that
    won't be around forever.

    He's planning on releasing his training methods on
    a large scale.

    But for now, it is invitation only.

    So, if I were you, I'd take advantage of that as well.

    Look forward to hearing from you!

    [Click here]
