Monday, October 4, 2010

RE: Shiatsu



This ancient and non-invasive healing method has been practiced for centuries to prevent illness.  Based on traditional Chinese acupuncture meridians, acupressure is also called pressure point meridian therapy.


Shiatsu helps to keep the body in peak condition, relieves tension and promotes vitality.  It prompts the body's internal system to flow, helping the body to heal itself.

Shiatsu can work in conjunction with most health regimens prescribed by doctors and other health practitioners.


Shakti has been a practitioner of the healing arts for more than a decade at her private practice. She has worked with individuals with chronic conditions such as cancer, kidney disease, arthritis and other acute health conditions. Shakti graduated from the Ohashi Institute as a certified shiatsu practitioner.


CONTACT:      SHAKTI  (917) 584-7611



Sliding scale payment options available


Shiatsu for Infants and Children

This ancient and non-invasive healing method has been practiced for centuries to prevent illness.  Based on traditional Chinese acupuncture meridians, acupressure is also called pressure point meridian therapy.


Shiatsu for infants is a healing method specially designed to meet infant's and children's needs.


In the first year of life the muscles, bones and organs grow at a very fast rate.  As a result, infants and babies can experience a variety of growth pain and discomfort.  Shiatsu can help infants and children by supporting the body during these changes.  It is also a beautiful way for infants and children to connect with their parents and caregivers.


Shakti has been a practitioner of the healing arts for more than a decade at her private practice. She graduated from the Ohashi Institute as a certified shiatsu practitioner. When she became a mother, she researched infant body work and integrated different modalities into her own healing practice to formulate distinctive, nurturing and effective Shiatsu regimes for children.


CONTACT:      SHAKTI  (917) 584-7611



 Sliding scale payment options available


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