Friday, December 31, 2010

FS: Two like-new Container Store medium modular drawers

We have two grey medium-sized modular plastic drawers from the Container Store. They're both like new -- one has a few minor scratches on it, but they're small -- and still have price tags on them. Their dimensions are 12.5"x20.5"x8"h. You can see them on the Container Store's website by clicking here, and I'm happy to send photos, too. 

These cost $25 each new, but we'll sell both for $35. If you're interested, feel free to email the above address or text 310-916-8917. Thanks!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

26th Annual Zlatne Uste Golden Festival, January 14 & 15, 2011

Dear Press Person,

It's that time of year... the doldrums of January.  Time to get out of your cave and get rejuvenated with 13 hours of Balkan music, dance, snacks, and fun.  This year the Golden Festival will be held in a new spacious venue, Grand Prospect Hall in Park Slope, Brooklyn.  More than 60 groups have applied to perform.  Last year there were over 1800 attendees over the two nights, and this year we expect more.

The festival has always been a benefit for Balkan charities and educational institutions.  Over the last several years we have given around $8000 to groups such as Mercy Corps, IRC, Heifer, East European Folklife Center, and Search for Common Ground.

The festival website (below) shows many pictures of the festival.  If a picture would be useful for your needs, we can supply same.

Catch previews of the festival on WFMU-FM (Saturday January 8, 2011 at 6PM) and WNYC-FM (January 12, 2011 at 2:30PM).  In addition 3 hours of the festival on January 15th will be broadcast live over WFMU with another 3 hours recorded for later broadcast.

The press release (also attached):
The new festival website:
The flyer (below):
The new venue:
Zlatne Uste Balkan Brass Band, the sponsors:

We hope you find the Golden Festival newsworthy.

Emerson Hawley
tuba, Zlatne Uste Balkan Brass Band
home: 718-859-4759, cell (temporarily misplaced): 917-415-6210

This blurb and mini URL can work for social networks:

Golden Fest 2011 is coming! -- Jan. 14 and 15

Regular emails:

The New York City

Golden Festival 

Jan. 14 &15, 2011 


... is moving downtown... WAY downtown! 

New York's only music and dance festival of its kind celebrates 26 years of live Balkan, Roma ("Gypsy") music and beyond. The Festival is hosted by Zlatne Uste Brass Band and features dozens of live bands playing on FOUR (!) stages.




An incredible grass roots event. Both nights in Brooklyn at:


The Grand Prospect Hall
263 Prospect Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11215
(718) 788-0777       


The celebration begins Friday night with a Balkan dance workshop from 7:30-8:45, and live music until midnight.

The festival resumes at 6pm Saturday with four simultaneous music stages and doesn't wind down until

early Sunday morning.


All profits are donated to charities.

Friday, Jan 14th, 7:30pm-12;30 Admission: $20, students with id $15
Saturday, Jan 15th, 6pm-2 Admission: $45, students: $35
Two Night Festival Admission: $60, students $45
Discounts for advance internet purchase at
Children 12 & under: free



parent-child aquatics at EMJC!


East Midwood Jewish Center's new parent-child aquatics classes are starting next Friday, January 7!  
We're very excited. The classes are for kids ages 6 months through 3 years.

Please go to EMJC's website ( for links to the flyer and the registration form.
Let me know if you have any questions.
You can also reach me at

happy splashing,

Audrey Korelstein
Director of Youth & Family Programming @EMJC

'69 Avanti Classic Sports Car for Sale

'69 Avanti with 327 ci 300 HP Corvette engine, disc brakes, power
windows, new leather seats for sale. Asking 15,500. Car has 55,000 miles
and fires up at the turn of the key. Clean, tight engine, fiberglass
body in good shape, steel frame and hog troughs free of rust. Needs some
minor things fixed (power antenna motor turns but antenna does not rise,
clock doesn't tick, driver's door lock locks from inside but not from
outside, etc.).
Stored in heated garage. I'm retiring and starting a business, so must
reluctantly hand the car over to a new caretaker.

Timothy Sheard, Lenny Moss Mysteries
timsheard "at"

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wanted: A lovely apartment in Ditmas Park

We are two young professionals (a couple + our lovely, well-mannered cat) looking for a 1- or 2-bedroom apartment in Ditmas Park/Prospect Park South, preferably in a private home that has some type of outdoor space (garden/yard/porch) and is close to the subway, but a nice apartment in a bedbug-free building would be okay as well.  Rent price is negotiable, although something in the range of $1500/month is ideal.  We are nonsmokers with excellent references and equally good credit scores.  Please let us know if you have any leads: lookinginditmas (at) gmail (dot) com.  Our move-in dates are flexible.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

3 Bedroom Apt for Rent on Beverly Rd & E 18th St

Check out this 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom apt in a pre war building on East 18th St and Beverly Rd. Move right in!  Hardwood floors throughout, high ceilings, freshly painted, sunny apt, eat in kitchen, plenty of closet space, spacious living/dining area.  Building is close to Q train, has laundry facilities, super, video surveillance, cable/internet use.  Rent is 1895-heat and hot water included.  Call Miriam -My Place Realty, Licensed Real Estate Agent @ 917 856 7171

Saturday, December 25, 2010



Thursday, December 23, 2010

Artist talk &other events at the Brooklyn Historical Center

Dear Friends,
Below are the events related to the exhibit, Painting Brooklyn Stories of Immigration & Survival at the Brooklyn Historical Society.
Happy holiday & New Year!
Nina Talbot
1. Artist Talk with Nina Talbot
Saturday, January 8, 2011 2-4 pm
Painting BrooklynNina Talbot, painter and curator of BHS exhibit Painting Brooklyn Stories of Immigration & Survival, will talk about her process of story collecting and studio practice. Talbot will discuss the collaborative nature of the exhibit including interviewing portrait subjects, working with NYU public historian Rachel Bernstein, and poet Esther Cohen, who both contributed their work to the exhibit.
2. Oral History Panel: Telling stories through painting, oral histories, poetry & writing
Wednesday, January 26, 6-7:30
 -Rachel Bernstein, Moderator, Public Historian, NYU
 -Esther Cohen, Poet
 -Jennifer Scott, Weeksville Heritage Center, Director of Research
 -Nina Talbot, Painter
 -Steve Zeitlin, Director, City Lore
3. Storytelling: Sharing selected stories by immigrants & survivors from the portraits.
Sunday, February 13, 2-4 pm
Exhibit extended through April 30! 
Please note the exhibit will not be open to the public on the following dates due to public programs:
February 5, 20, 26, 27 
Brooklyn Historical Society
128 Pierpont Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Monday, December 20, 2010


Found set of keys on Monday, December 20th at 7:30am on the corner of Cortelyou and Westminster. 
Has a leather DEA keychain. Email to claim.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

3 Bedroom Apt 4 Rent-5th Floor!

3 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 5th floor apt in pre war building located on Beverly Rd & East 18th St with laundry facilities, super, close to Q train, wired for cable/internet, video surveillance.  The apt has an eat in kitchen, hardwood floors throughout, just painted, sunny apt, spacious living/dining room area, high ceilings.  Rent is 1895 and includes heat & hot water.  Broker fee-just one months rent.  Call Miriam @M y Place Realty Licensed Real Estate Agent 917 856 7171


Brooklyn's coolest Craft Fair at the THE LYCEUM (historic bathhouse #7), today &
tomorrow Dec. 18 & 19th from 11-7pm
OVER 60 LOCAL ARTISANS display their Jewelry, Clothing, Artisanal Foods,
homemade Soaps & Fragrances, etc!!!

My daughter, Danielle will be there with her handblown Glass Jewelry - see

and Dave's luscious chocolates & other delectables

Saturday & Sunday December 18th & 19th
Lot's of activities for kid's too!
Stroller Valet Parking


Friday, December 17, 2010

Large and Sunny Room Available January 1st

Hello. I am a 21 year old female looking for a new roommate for this very large (even for the area) two bedroom in Ditmas Park. I am about to resign the lease in January and am hoping to have someone for when my roommate leaves on January 1st. A slightly later move-in date could definitely be arranged. The apartment is large and sunny with a living room and dining room. The bedrooms are separated by the bathroom and so there is always a lot of privacy in the apartment. Your room would be about 10x13 feet with a good sized-closet as well as shared coat and linen closets off the dining room. 

More information and photos here

Call 917-586-2036 to take a look in person!

3 Bedroom Apt for Rent-Beverly & East 18th St

Charming 3 bedroom apt, sunny, 5th floor in pre war building with laundry facilities, super, cable/internet hook up.  The apt has hardwood floors throughout, high ceilings, plenty of closet space, eat in kitchen, spacious living/dining area, freshly painted.  Rent is 1895-heat and hot water included.  Call Miriam @ My Place Realty 917 856 7171.  If calling on a Saturday, please leave a message and your call will be returned Saturday night.  Thank you.

24" Sony Wega TV - $25

10 years old, but in great condition, with remote. $25.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hungry Cat Cafe Jewelry at Maker's Market, 232 3rd Street in Park Slope This Weekend Dec.18th - Dec. 19

Hungry Cat Café Jewely will not be having an Open Studio this Sunday, Dec. 19 but will be instead at the Maker's Market at the Old Can Factory in Park Slope.

Hungry Cat will be there both Sat. Dec. 18 and Sun. Dec. 19 from 11am to 5pm.

The Maker's Market is at 232 Third Street in Park Slope, between 3rd and 4rth Avenue, 1 block west of Staples on Fourth Avenue.

CJ Segal-Isaacson
Hungry Cat Cafe Jewelry
718 462-5607

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

1BR Sublet January-April

Beautiful, large, mostly furnished one bedroom apartment on Stratford Rd. looking for a four month subletter (January 1st-April 30th; dates slightly negotiable; $1400 a month). Ideal for a couple, a ton of space for one person, could possibly fit two ...

If interested, here's a link to our Craigslist ad:

Please contact us ASAP as we are trying to settle within a week!

Please pass along info to anyone who may be looking! We really appreciate it!

Ambien and Max.

1BR Sublet January-April

Beautiful, large, mostly furnished one bedroom apartment on Stratford Rd. looking for a four month subletter (January 1st-April 30th; dates slightly negotiable; $1400 a month). Ideal for a couple, a ton of space for one person, could possibly fit two ...

If interested, here's a link to our Craigslist ad: please contact us ASAP as we are trying to settle within a week!

Please pass along info to anyone who may be looking! We really appreciate it!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Torah Study - 12/18 83 Marlborough Rd, Corner Church- All Invited!

Temple Beth Emeth v'Ohr Progressive Shaari Zedek
83 Marlborough Rd., Brooklyn, NY  11226 


Dear Torah Scholars,

This Saturday at
10 am we will have our study of the weekly Torah
portion. If possible, please read the Torah portion beforehand (but as
always, if you don't have a chance, come anyway). This week's Torah
portion is Vayechi, Genesis 47:28-50:26.   If you don't have access
to a Bible, you can find a Hebrew-English or just English Bible here:

If you'd like to read any commentaries, there are many online, for
example, here:

Have a bagel and join in our always-lively discussion as we immerse
ourselves in the living waters of Torah, adding our voices and
thoughts to those of Jewish tradition.


I look forward to learning with you!

Rabbi Heidi Hoover
rabbinic intern, Temple Beth Emeth



Painter for Hire in Ditmas Park/Flatbush

Hey There!

  I am a house/apartment painter with 15 years experience painting interior and exterior homes.  I usually work alone, but can arrange for a crew to paint bigger jobs.  I do most of my work in Ditmas Park and I am happy to assist any residents with their painting needs.  If you have a bedroom, living room, office or whole living space that is in need of a paint job, please contact me.  I have completed several jobs from this post, and if you need references in the are let me know.  I can supply references within the neighborhood if necessary.  Thanks in advance for your consideration.

Wesley Stannard

The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with Hotmail. Get bus

Re: Beautiful Home Furnishings & Supplies!

Nov 24, 2010 10:33:19 PM, wrote:

Elegant Vases, Wonderful Candles,
Awesome Statues, Unique Dinner Plate Sets,
Quality Wrapping Paper, Distinctive Ornaments,
Decorative Kitchen Supplies
and so much more at reasonable prices!
Forget the crowded stores!
Stop by to see Esther's holiday sales
570 Westminster Road
(corner of Newkirk Avenue)
Brooklyn, NY
Call: (347) 757-5197 Cell: (347) 569-0232

Monday, December 13, 2010

Dec 19, 3pm - Brooklyn Symphony Orchestra Classical Concert

All are welcome at the Sunday December 19th concert of the Brooklyn Symphony Orchestra at historic St Ann's Church in Brooklyn Heights. The concert begins at 3 pm.

A free Holiday reception follows the concert.  Suggested donation is $15; children are free.

The program:
LISZT - Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2
SAINT-SAENS – La Muse et Le Poete
Judy Spokes, violin
David Cho, cello
DVORAK – Symphony #6

Venue Address (including cross streets and nearest subways): Church of St. Ann and the Holy Trinity in Brooklyn Heights (157 Montague Street), corner of Clinton and Montague Streets (R, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Telephone number: (718) 852-0677



About Us

The Brooklyn Symphony Orchestra, comprised of talented amateur, semi-professional and professional musicians, is one of New York area's finest community orchestras. Founded 36 years ago as the "Brooklyn Heights Orchestra," the group joins under the baton of Artistic Director Nicholas Armstrong to present five symphonic concerts per season of classical, romantic and 20th-century music. This concert is made possible, in part, with public funds.

3 Bedroom Apt -Sunny, 5th floor on Beverly Rd

Move right into this spacious and sunny 3 bedroom apt with plenty of closet space, hardwood floors throughout, high ceilings, freshly painted, eat in kitchen.  The apt is on the 5th floor of a pre war building with internet/cable hook up, elevator, super, laundry facilities and close proximity to the Q train.  Rent is 1890-heat and hot water included.  Broker fee -just one months rent.  Call Miriam @ My Place Realty Licensed Real Estate Agent 917 856 7171

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Looking for Artist Studio in Ditmas Park/Midwood/Prospect Park South

Hi there-

I'm a Ditmas Park-living figurative painter looking for a space to do my work. Looking around all the Victorians, I often wonder if there isn't an unused nook within any of them! I'm clean, responsible, and serious about my work (I have a MfA) and am looking for a commitment. I have a day job so would only use a few days a week at most. Thanks! Please contact me at charices at hotmail dot com. 

Seeking Full-Time Sales Associate at Market

Market, a specialty food store on Cortelyou Road (next door to Mimi's Hummus), seeks a full-time employee to join their team. Excellent customer service skills and enthusiastic attitude a must. Please email your resume to

Alana Phinney
1211 Cortelyou Road
Brooklyn, NY 11218
phone & fax 718-284-4446
cell 347-623-3537

Saturday, December 11, 2010

3 bedroom apt 4 Rent on Beverley Rd & East 18th ST

Spacious & sunny 3 bedroom apt for rent on Beverly Rd & East 18th St, 5th floor of a pre war building, plenty of closet space, eat in kitchen, hardwood floors throughout, high ceilings, freshly painted.  The building is close to the Q train, has cable/internet, elevator, super, laundry facilities.  Rent is 1895-heat and hot water included.  Broker fee just one months rent.  Call Miriam @ My Place Realty Licensed Real Estate Agent 917 856 7171

2005 Saturn Ion For Sale

manual transmission, 41,000 miles, good condition


Friday, December 10, 2010

This Sun 12/12 7 PM- Clay Ross & Charlie Burnham -Ditmas Acoustic @ The Sanctuary - a new music series

Ditmas Acoustic @ The Sanctuary - a new music series at
Temple Beth Emeth
83 Marlborough Rd CORNER Church Ave
Clay Ross & Charlie Burnham - Dec. 12, 2010, 7:00 pm
Michaela Anne & Michael Daves - Jan. 23, 2011, 7:00 pm
Sofia Koutsovitis & Lucia Pulido - Jan. 30, 2011, 7:00 pm
The Four Bags & Leah Paul - Feb. 13, 2011, 7:00 pm
Annie Lynch & Cuddle Magic - Feb. 27, 2011, 7:00 pm
Please call the Temple office to make your reservation or if you have any questions.  Payment is also accepted at the door.

Temple Beth Emeth v'Ohr Progressive Shaari Zedek
83 Marlborough Rd., Brooklyn, NY  11226

Thursday, December 9, 2010

$780 Lg Room in 4 Bedroom Victorian, January 1st, Ditmas Park! Q/B train (Brooklyn, Ditmas Park)

The available room is on the 3rd floor of a large Victorian house in beautiful Ditmas Park, Brooklyn. Our apartment consists of the 2nd and 3rd floor of the house, and there are four roommates in total. I'm moving into a studio with my girlfriend, otherwise I would never give up this great apartment!

Rent: $780 w/ water & heat (gas, electric, internet not included)
Location: Argyle Road between Ditmas and Dorchester

Available Room: ~14' L x 11.5' W
-Large Closet ~4'10" wide x 1'8" deep

House Features:
-Washer/Dryer in kitchen (incredibly convenient!)
-Large kitchen with dinner table
-Full living room with chairs, table and futon for guests
-Front deck with table and chairs
-Large shared bathroom on 2nd floor (this bathroom is shared by 3 of the roommates, as one room has its own which helps keep the traffic moderate)
-Wireless Internet enabled (bill split 4 ways)

Subway: Q, B stops: Cortelyou & Newkirk -- only 4 blocks away! (< 3 minute walk)
F at 18th Ave -- 10 blocks away

Also close to the south entrance of Prospect Park!

Available On: January 1st (arrangements could be made to accommodate a sooner move)

What really makes this place special is the neighborhood. It is very quiet and safe, and is filled with enormous, beautiful trees. It hardly feels like Brooklyn when you're sitting on the front porch! However, the house is only one avenue away from the plethora of restaurants, delis, bars, coffee shops, bakeries and markets on Cortelyou road. There's a 24 hour deli and Dunk n' Donuts right around the corner. The neighborhood is very vibrant, friendly, safe and growing every month. You'll fall in love with it like I did (which is why I'm not moving far!).

You can see the house itself, the living room and deck, and the room for rent in the photos. For a sense of scale, that's a queen size bed, love seat and 50" TV, and the room also holds a full book shelf, computer desk and dressers.

The remaining roommates are comprised of two girls and one guy, all mid-late twenties. The house is relatively quiet with plenty of privacy, and non-cigarette smoke friendly. No cats or dogs. This is not a party house, but occasional get togethers are fine. Everyone is very friendly and guests are welcome!

If you're interested please contact me as soon as possible at This is a fantastic space! Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the apartment. I am available to show the room most hours all week.

Couple more pics

Just so you can see the couch detail up close - the camera blurs it all together - its actually quite distinct when you see it, even at a distance.

2 Desks and a Couch

My girlfriend and I are moving, and we have two great desks and a couch to sell.

1) Drafting Desk purchased from IKEA (70). An awesome, spacious, desk for those who want a big surface area, without taking up much space.

2) Hardwood Trestle Desk (225). Also extremely spacious, with shelves too. But because it's also open concept, it doesn't take up a lot of room. Made out of really sturdy, dark, hardwood, this piece of furniture was really made to last.

3) Awesome, chic, luxe, couch (400). This ones really hard to describe, because its one of a kind, and, AWESOME! High back and arms, so you can really sink into it, and designed in this one of a kind striped, pattern, that always reminds me of x-ray specs. A real piece of furniture for someone looking for something really special. The type of piece you could design a whole room around, if you wanted, or that would give any room some real character.

We live right off Cortelyou, in an elevator building. So, it's about as easy as it gets.

If you have any questions, contact me at:

twice_reflected [at] hotmail [dot] com

Recording Engineer with Pro Studio

Recording Engineer/Producer with a professional studio (MacPro Quad Core 2.66 Ghz, Pro Tools HD1 8.1, Live, Reason, Waves, URS plugins and more) in the neighborhood available. Works with singers, musicians and songwriters of all levels. Roland TD-12SV Drums, Line6 PODxt, (2) C414 mikes, UA and Pendulum Audio mike pres, Apogee converters.

My clients include Bill Bern, Kevin McWha Steele and many other local artists who perform at Solo Kitchen and Bar and other Ditmas Park venues. This is the ideal situation for singers or singer/songwriters on a tight budget looking for professional recordings.

Call me at 917-348-2729 and visit the website at

You may also catch me at Solo (Marlborough and Cortelyou) during my Song Circle every Monday night 6-9pm.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Looking for roommates on Westminster -- couples Ok -- Jan. 1

I'm looking for either a couple or 2 individuals to move into my beautiful 3 bedroom/2 bathroom house on Westminster Road.  I live on the top floor of a 1910 black Victorian with hardwood floors, prewar details, tons of closet space and windows, a reading nook, porches, and a fenced-in yard.  Share with me (mid 20s female) and a 3 year-old boxer mix. The space is amazing and a great deal.  Preferably a January 1st move-in, although I can be flexible. Email me for more details and pictures: 

The Ditmas ♥ Rides will NOT happen this Friday (12/10) INSTEAD we are trying to go to the Transportation Alternatives Holiday Party


The Ditmas Rides will NOT happen this Friday (12/10) INSTEAD we are trying to go to the Transportation Alternatives Holiday Party (

We hope you can join us for the 11th Annual Transportation Alternatives Holiday Party! We will be traveling together meting between 6:30 and 7pm There will be music, snacks, drinks and some awesome raffle items. Complimentary drinks provided by Brooklyn Brewery and Cycles Gladiator Wines.
The party is at the Gallery Bar on 120 Orchard St and starts at 7pm
Members can buy their tickets in  advance for $10. Non-Member can join at the The Holiday Party. Advance tickets can be bought  online with your very own T.A. membership for $30 total. You can also buy tickets and memberships at the door for either $15 for Members or $36 to join as a member with free entry
Please let me know if you'd interested in joining so we can coordinate where we will meet in oder to ride together. Thanks, Rene
If you or your friends like to be kept in the loop then you can add yourself to this email list here ( You can also subscribe to our RSS newsfeed which is

P.S.: Feel free to unsubscribe if you don't want to receive news about our rides anymore!

The Ditmas ♥ Rides will NOT happen this Friday (12/10) INSTEAD we are trying to go to the Transportation Alternatives Holiday Party


The Ditmas Rides will NOT happen this Friday (12/10) INSTEAD we are trying to go to the Transportation Alternatives Holiday Party (

We hope you can join us for the 11th Annual Transportation Alternatives Holiday Party! We will be traveling together meting between 6:30 and 7pm There will be music, snacks, drinks and some awesome raffle items. Complimentary drinks provided by Brooklyn Brewery and Cycles Gladiator Wines.
The party is at the Gallery Bar on 120 Orchard St and starts at 7pm
Members can buy their tickets in  advance for $10. Non-Member can join at the The Holiday Party. Advance tickets can be bought  online with your very own T.A. membership for $30 total. You can also buy tickets and memberships at the door for either $15 for Members or $36 to join as a member with free entry
Please let me know if you'd interested in joining so we can coordinate where we will meet in oder to ride together. Thanks, Rene
If you or your friends like to be kept in the loop then you can add yourself to this email list here ( You can also subscribe to our RSS newsfeed which is

P.S.: Feel free to unsubscribe if you don't want to receive news about our rides anymore!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Does anyone know of a church or center that could use donations?  I have clothes, books and blankets, maybe some coats also. I live on East 17th st .  I can be reached at

Sunny 3 Bedroom Apt on Beverly Rd & East 18th St

Sunny and spacious 3 bedroom apt located on Beverly Rd & East 18th St, 5th floor apt of a pre war building with elevator, super, laundry facilities, video surveillance, close proximity to Q train.  The apartment has hardwood floors throughout, high ceilings, freshly painted, eat in kitchen, plenty of closet space, spacious living/dining room area.  Rent is 1895-heat and hot water included.  Contact  Miriam @ My Place Realty 917 856 7171

Monday, December 6, 2010

Young couple looking for 1br near Cortelyou BQ stop

We're an engaged couple in our mid-late 20's that's looking for a nice place in Ditmas Park. We love the neighborhood and would love to live there.

Since we both work in Manhattan and one of us needs to transfer at least once from the B or Q, we're looking pretty much only in the area around the Cortelyou BQ station. Our budget ranges from $1000 to $1400 per month and we're looking for a 1br with decent space (or an abnormally large studio). We have perfect credit and a delightful cat.

Please text or call if you have something for rent that might meet our needs. Thank you! 646-457-0198

Open House for 1bd Coop-155K Maint. $554 Tuesday, 12/7 at 275 Webster Ave(bet. E.8th & Ocean Pkwy) 3PM-4PM

We live only to discover beauty. All else is a form of waiting.-Kahlil Gebran
Stop waiting and come discover this generously priced, personality filled one bedroom in beautiful post-war building. Brand new oak floors throughout, fully renovated bathroom and lots of natural sunlight.  Common courtyard w. garden and jungle gym, central laundry room and coveted parking garage!!! Video security and live-in super. Come out tomorrow at 3PM or call for an appt. 718.210.4038 or email


Great chair for people at their desks all day -- can deliver locally - $90

This mesh-backed chair offers great support and is totally customizable -- perfect for writers, people with sore backs, and anyone who's desk-bound. It cost $200 new and unassembled, but I've moved out of my office and don't have room for it anymore. It looks like new.

Feel free to email me or text 310-916-8917 if you'd like to come see it. Thanks!

Post-renovation materials virtual yard sale!

We are in post-renovation bliss and have extra unused material which are
suitable for small jobs.

Gorgeous custom milled reclaimed Southern pine flooring.
Will cover approximately 55 square feet.  $250
Beautiful old-timey style bathroom floor tiles, 2" hexagons.
Will cover approximately 16.5 square feet.   $50

1950's vintage Geneva kitchen cabinets.
Two base units, doors freshly powder-coated in buttercup yellow:
Four upper units, original white paint, in decent condition.  $50 each piece
Pristine white subway tiles, still in box.
Made in Spain by ADEX. Hampton W/B Bone Field Tile.
Will cover approximately 17 square feet.  $40
Two Andersen windows, double hung, high performance replacements with frames
23 ½" X 46"
27 ½" X 46"
Painted wood interior and durable composite exterior   $150 each
Please contact me offline for details, photos, showings.

Room Wanted 12/15 to 2/15 Professional Female

Professional female in her 30's looking for a room to rent 150 weekly. Moving into new place in Feb. Preferably home with other females. Send full details to

Room wanted by Professional Female Dec.15-Feb.15th

Professional female in her 30's looking for a room to rent 150 weekly. Moving into new place in Feb. Preferably home with other females.

3 Bedroom Apt for Rent-5th floor on Beverly Rd & East 18th St

3 real bedrooms, 1 bathroom, eat in kitchen, plenty of closet space, living/dining area, sunny apartment, high ceilings, hardwood floors throughout, freshly painted.  The apt is located on the 5th floor of a pre war building on Beverly Rd & East 18th St with a super, laundry facilities, elevator, close proximity to Q train.  Rent is 1895-heat and hot water included.  Contact Miriam
@ My Place Realty Licensed Real Estate Agent 917 856 7171.  Broker fee is one months rent.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

FW: Holiday Wishes and Special Savings

Subject: Holiday Wishes and Special Savings
Date: Sun, 5 Dec 2010 17:50:46 -0500

To All my dear friends and patients,

May this special season be filled with health and beauty , love and friendship.

Now through the end of the year of the year take 20% of any Cosmetic Botox or Fillers

Please print and present this gift certificate to receive your special savings.  Valid, one per person. May not be combined with any other offer.  Expires: 01.03.11
To share this gift with friends and family members you may forward this email or post it on your facebook page.   
Find us on Facebook          

          T. 718-434-0081

 Lynn Calat at Midwood Wellness  1318 Ave H  Brooklyn, N.Y. 11230

Lessons available on clarinet, saxophone, and flute.

I'm available to teach lessons on clarinet, saxophone, and flute at all levels. I also have experience teaching beginner piano, and I'm sufficiently comfortable on guitar and drumset to coach jazz, rock, and popular music ensembles. I've designed my own curricula to teach jazz improvisation, funk band interaction, instrument building and basic acoustics. I've taught at Milton Academy, and at music camps in Maine, Massachusetts, and California. Currently I teach woodwinds at the Lycee Francais de New York in Manhattan.

I earned a bachelor's degree in physics from Harvard University and a master's in jazz performance from the New England Conservatory.

Who am 'I'?  ...

Alec Spiegelman is a Brooklyn-based (Ditmas Park!) singer, composer, arranger, & multi-instrumentalist specializing in woodwinds.

Alec has performed and/or recorded with Mandy Moore, Miss Tess, The David Wax Museum, Rebecca Loebe, Bob Moses, Bob Brookmeyer, Apollo Sunshine, Eilen Jewell, Josh Ritter, the Ayn Inserto Jazz Orchestra, Mark Erelli, Dan Blake, Brian Viglione, Gill Aharon, Audrey Ryan, Nat Mugavero, Entrain, the Chicken Slacks Soul Revue, and Little Joe Cook, among many others.

Contact alecspiegelman 'at' gmail 'dot' com for details and rates.



Ditmas Park Craft Fair Sunday Dec 12

A dozen local artists will be participating in this splendid event.

event poster

Sunday, December 12th from 11-5 at the Ditmas Workspace, 535 East 17th Street in Brooklyn.

For more info email

Saturday, December 4, 2010

3 Bedroom Apt For Rent on Beverly Rd & East 18th St

True 3 bedroom apartment plus living/dining room on the 5th floor of a pre war building on Beverly Rd & East 18th St with laundry facilities, elevator, super & video surveillance.  The apt has hardwood floors throughout, high ceilings, eat in kitchen, freshly painted, plenty of closet space.  Rent is 1895-heat and hot water included.  Call Miriam @ My Place Realty 917 856 7171


Free to you: one 13 gallon kitchen trash bag (about 1/2-3/4 full) of all kinds of yarns.
Some unused skeins
Some partially used skeins
Some boucle and other textures
A good variety of colors
Enough to make one wicked giant quilt or a million scarves for your friends.

Nothing fancy, all were purchased from Hobby Lobby and other craft stores.
I need to whittle down my collection, and can't bear to throw them all away.

Email me to arrange a pickup: allthatssolid [at] gmail [dot] com

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Dear Friends: lkolk.A

Dear Friends:
I have good news for you. Merry Christmas! Last week
I have Order china 16 Products Apple iPhone 4 HD 32 GB
I completed bank transfer payments,I have received the product!
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It's amazing! The item is original, brand new and has high quality,
but it's muc cheaper. I'm pleased to share this good news with you!
I believe you will find what you want there and have an good experience
on shopping from them


I am happy to announce that the next Ditmas ♥ Rides will happen this Friday, December the 3rd @ 7pm in front of the Qathra (on Cortelyou between Stratford and Westminster)

The next Ditmas Ride this Friday (12/03) at 7:00 pm. We will meet in front of the Qathra @ on Cortelyou between Stratford and Westminster.

Please forward this email to other bicyclists who might be interested in cycling together. If you or your friends like to be kept in the loop then you can add yourself to this email list here ( You can also subscribe to our RSS newsfeed which is

The purpose of the Ditmas Rides is for us to have fun and to celebrate and spread a way of getting around we already enjoy. There is no planned route and we the participants will decide where we would like to go shortly before the ride starts. Ditmas Park has a lot of small streets so hopefully we can have a joyful and stress free rides. I myself are planning to bring my daughter Nona Lily along and hope that other parents will bring their children as well.

I am really looking forward to seeing everyone soon. Thanks, Rene
P.S.: Feel free to unsubscribe if you don't want to receive news about our rides anymore!
P.P.S.: It would be nice if some of you could RSVP so we can wait for you if you end up a little late and be encourage doing it since we know that there will be other people showing up as well.

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Join us for the South Slope Holiday Craft Fair

Don't miss the South Slope Holiday Craft Fair on Saturday, December 11th from 11 AM to 5 PM at 511 Seventh Avenue between 17th Street and Prospect Avenue. Check out our amazing group of artists/venders at Many of our artists are from Brooklyn, and all are purveyors of original and high-quality goods. In addition to a unique shopping opportunity, join us for kids' activities, such as face painting and workshops by Poloppo and Brooklyn Design Lab. Great food will also be available for purchase. The South Slope Holiday Craft Fair is hosted by and benefits P.S. 10.


--Carrie M VanDenburg, MSW

"When I dare to be powerful - to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid"--Audre Lorde

"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there."--Rumi

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Folk Art Hobby Horse

Old platform rocking horse would look festive filled with evergreens on a sideboard, or as a display for collectible dolls.
Handmade by someone for a toddler, now best used as a decorative piece.  The rope tails are clean, and the drawn-on faces
are cute.  Great price for a real piece of folk art - $45

GRE study buddy

Anyone else planning to take the GRE in January/February?  Looking for a fellow test-taker to meet up at the Cortelyou library or a coffee shop once or twice a week to take turns drilling vocab and practicing math problems.

Shoot me an e-mail if this is you.

marnelli.hamilton at gmail dot com

RE: Painter for Hire in Ditmas Park/Flatbush

Hey There!

  I am a house/apartment painter with 15 years experience painting interior and exterior homes.  I usually work alone, but can arrange for a crew to paint bigger jobs.  I do most of my work in Ditmas Park and I am happy to assist any residents with their painting needs.  If you have a bedroom, living room, office or whole living space that is in need of a paint job, please contact me.  I have completed several jobs from this post, and if you need references in the are let me know.  I can supply references within the neighborhood if necessary.  Thanks in advance for your consideration.

Wesley Stannard

The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with Hotmail. Get bus

Please add photo to hobby horse listing

Thanks so much

A listing Thank You!


Old platform rocking horse would look festive filled with evergreens on a sideboard, or as a display for collectible dolls.
Handmade by someone for a toddler, now best used for a decorative piece.  The rope tails are clean, and the
drawn-on faces are cheerful.  Great price for a real piece of folk art - $45

Monday, November 29, 2010

Local Motorcycle Mechanic Recommendations

Can someon recommend a local motorcycle mechanic? I've got a 1983 XJ650 that needs some love. The usual carb cleaning type-stuff.
Please reply here or to scogordo at yahoo dot com.

Local Motorcycle Mechanic Recommendations

Can someone suggest a local motorcycle mechanic? I've got a 1983 Yamaha XJ650 that needs love. Thanks!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Gut Renovated 3 Bedroom Apt on Beverly RD

This gut renovated 3 bedroom apt is located on Beverly Rd & East 18th St.  The apt has a brand new kitchen with dishwasher and microwave.  All new sheet rock has been put up in the apt and freshly painted.  Lots of closets including linen closets.  The master bedroom is huge.  There is hardwood floors throughout the apt and the ceilings are really high.  The apt is on the 4th floor of a pre war building that has an elevator, super, laundry facilities.  There is also a spacious living/dining room area. 

Miriam Rothstein-My Place Realty
Licensed Real Estate Agent
917 856 7171

3 Bedroom Apt for Rent

3 Bedroom Apt for Rent, 1 bathroom, 5th floor apt located on East 18th St and Beverly Rd in a pre war building.  The apt has hardwood floors throughout, high ceilings, plenty of closet space, eat in kitchen, freshly painted, 3 real bedrooms plus living/dining room.  The building is located close to the Q train, has a super, laundry facilities, elevator, wired for cable/internet use, video surveillance.  The rent is 1895-heat and hot water included.  Call Miriam @ My Place Realty
917 856 7171

Fall leaves wanted for compost

If you have fall leaves bagged and ready to go, please contact Amy at  Our building compost needs some browns!

Flute Lessons in Brooklyn


Flute students of all ages and levels are welcome!  Studio is conveniently located in Park Slope.  Lessons are also available in the privacy of your own home.

Affordable rates, plus 10% discount on all 45 and 60 min lessons for Ditmas Blog Readers.  You must mention the Ditmas Park Blog Ad to receive the discounted rate.

Friday, November 26, 2010

2 Huges, Awesome, desks

We have two huge, awesome, great, desks. We love them, but we're moving to a smaller place, and we need the room. That being said, they're both open concept desks, so you get the best of two worlds - a huge desk, but one that doesn't feel huge.

The first desk is a drafting desk, and it's going for 75. I've used it for a few years, and it's served me great.

The second desk is a sturdy, trestle desk, made out of hardwood. This one is close to brand new, and its going for 250.

We live right off Cortelyou, in an elevator building. We can disassemble the desks to make it easier for you to pick them up too.

If you have questions, email me at:

twice_reflected [at]

Computer Instructor


If anyone know of any organizations or businesses looking for a great computer instructor, please freely share the information attached and inserted below.

Happy & Blessed Holidays!


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Acoustic Ventura V-29 Guitar for sale

I was given this guitar as a gift and never really learned to play.  It has a beautiful tone and is in perfect condition.  Comes with strap, soft case that can be worn as a backpack and an automatic tuner w/ battery.

Email for more pictures or to check it out or pick it up. Thanks!

allthatssolid at gmail dot com

3 Bedroom Apt for Rent on Beverly & East 18th St-5th Floor Apt

Check out this 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom apt on Beverly and East 18th St, 5th floor apt in a pre war building with super, laundry facilities, elevator, video surveillance, cable/internet use.  The apt has an eat in kitchen, hardwood floors throughout, plenty of closet space, high ceilings, freshly painted, 3 real bedrooms plus living/dining area.  Broker fee -just one months rent.   Rent is 1895-heat and hot water included.  Call Miriam @ My Place Realty 917 856 7171

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Beautiful Home Furnishings & Supplies!

Elegant Vases, Wonderful Candles,
Awesome Statues, Unique Dinner Plate Sets,
Quality Wrapping Paper, Distinctive Ornaments,
Decorative Kitchen Supplies
and so much more at reasonable prices!
Forget the crowded stores!
Stop by to see Esther's holiday sales
570 Westminster Road, #B11
(corner of Newkirk Avenue)
Brooklyn, NY
Call: (347) 757-5197 Cell: (347) 569-0232

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Yard available?

I just adopted a little dog (under 10 lbs) and am looking to find a fenced yard in the neighborhood that I might be able to arrange to take her to play for 20-30minutes each week for a small fee. A fully-fenced area would allow her to run around off lead and have some fun in a way that she can't during her daily walks. (She is too fragile for dog parks unfortunately...). Rest assured, there would be no trace of her presence left behind in your yard afterwards. If you have a yard and this is of interest, please email me at  Thanks!